Epaper Desk is the best solution for online ePaper/eMagazine. Give real newspaper experience to your readers.
Epaperdesk is a complete solution for Newspaper Epaper. Give a Real reading experience to your readers with an advanced area mapping feature. Publish your daily paper online and your readers can read the epaper on Mobile, Tab, Computer and also they can share on social media.
You Can Crop Your Epaper According To Your Article Area. User Side & Admin Side mapping Options are Available.
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With the advancement of technology comes several breakthroughs, especially regarding making life easier and more stress-free. The newspaper is something many people read across the world, and with technology Newspaper, E-paper has come into existence. We can also call it an online newspaper.
Newspaper E-paper has come into view and has transcended the usually printed newspapers many are familiar with.
A newspaper E-paper is an electronic document seen via a computer network that could be fuelled by the internet. It runs through an online E-paper publishing that creates an online E-paper solution, such that just about anyone can have access to news on their electronic devices (mobile phones, computers, electronic gadgets and tabs etc.). It is sometimes specifically the digital version of an already printed newspaper.
In sum, we can say a Newspaper E-paper is an electronic form of newspaper that is reusable, self-contained and of course, a refreshable version of newspapers that houses information electronically. It is simply the online version of a newspaper that makes access to news super easy, anytime.