How to start 7 day trial in Epaperdesk Cloud Epaper CMS?

Today, we will learn how to activate the 7-day trial. To start the trial, you first need to log in to your Epaperdesk account.

Once logged in, you’ll see an option to "Add Epaper" in the left navigation menu. Here, enter your epaper number in the input box, then complete the captcha and click the "Add" button.

This process should take less than 10 seconds, and once it’s complete, you’ll receive a temporary domain name, admin login link, username, and password. This information will also be sent to your email.

Now, let’s check our email. As you can see, we’ve received an email from Epaperdesk. When we open it, all the details are provided here.

Using this temporary domain, you and your client can access the demo.

Next, let’s go to the "My Epaper" section in Epaperdesk, and here, the paper we added is now visible. You can click on "Info" to view the login details.

Now, let’s see how our site looks. Here, you can see our epaper website is now live. Next, we’ll look at how to publish both our own epapers and those of our clients.

To publish, we’ll return to the Epaperdesk dashboard, copy the admin URL, and press Enter. Here, you can see the login page. Now, we’ll log in using our login ID and password.

After logging in, you’ll land on the dashboard of your trial epaper. Here, you’ll see basic information. To publish a new epaper, click on "Publish Edition." Enter the basic information related to the edition and choose the PDF file of the edition. If everything looks good, click on "Review and Upload." In a few moments, our paper will be uploaded.

To check it, go to "Manage Edition" and click on "Action," then click "Preview." You can see that our paper has been published. If you want to map an area, go to "Manage Edition," click on "Action," and select "Area Map."

Here, you can mark the area you want. After selecting the area, click on "Save." To test it, click on "Visit Website." You’ll see the selected area highlighted, and clicking on it opens a popup. If you wish, you can also use area mapping on the front side.

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